My name is Eric Brindza, I started painting in the early 90's and have painted professionally for the past 17 years. The name Pigmented came about when I was thinking of a name to call my service. Painted Miniatures sounded boring I was looking at a bottle of paint and the label mentioned "highly pigmented" , pigmented sounded unique and I like pigs so Pigmented Miniatures was born. I used to paint full time, 40+ hours a week, and offered four different levels of painting. After years of painting for others I've learned it is easy to get burned out I now only take on work that holds an interest for me and only offer a few levels of detail. Life has changed and so have my skills. You won't get inferior dipped or drybrushed figures from me, only quality workmanship. I see miniatures as works of art and treat them that way.
Miniatures come in all shapes, sizes, and degrees of detail quality that make pricing a bit tricky. The more detailed the miniature or complexity of color scheme the higher the price. For example a simple Roman infantryman will not be as time consuming or expensive as a Napoleonic infantryman. The following prices are not concrete, I may adjust them according to the individual model, and genre. All prices include basic assembly and basing.
This is the ordinary soldier that you find in groups. Each will have shading and highlighting but none will stand out among the others. This is a good standard for mass wargames.
Monsters and Machines:
This is the hardest category to price as there are all kinds of miniatures out there. I price these on an individual basis.
This is the ordinary soldier that you find in groups. Each will have shading and highlighting but none will stand out among the others. This is a good standard for mass wargames.
Monsters and Machines:
This is the hardest category to price as there are all kinds of miniatures out there. I price these on an individual basis.
These miniatures are
painted to stand out in a crowd. They will have multiple shading to bring out the detail to the fullest.
This a good standard RPG Heroes and army commanders.
28MM Grunt
Non complex, Ancients, Skeletons, ect $7- each
Complex, Horse and Musket era, War Hammer 40k and Fantasy, WarMachine, Hordes, ect $12-15
Non complex Mounts +$5
Complex Mounts +$7
Complex, Horse and Musket era, War Hammer 40k and Fantasy, WarMachine, Hordes, ect $12-15
Non complex Mounts +$5
Complex Mounts +$7
28mm Character
Non complex, Ancients, Skeleton, ect $15-20
Complex, Horse and Musket era, War Hammer 40k and Fantasy, WarMachine, Hordes, ect. $25+
Non Complex mounts +$8
Complex Mounts +$15
Complex, Horse and Musket era, War Hammer 40k and Fantasy, WarMachine, Hordes, ect. $25+
Non Complex mounts +$8
Complex Mounts +$15